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Dongnae-Gu Council


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Welcome to Dongnae-Gu Council : The Dongnae-Gu Council will do the best to construct the city prosperously with you, citizens.

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Roles and Authorities

Administrative Auditing

• Auditing and inspecting the local government(monitoring and balancing function)

The council shall have a period within 7 days during the regular session to comprehend the administration of local government, gain the data and information necessary for the legislation and preliminary budget reviewing and promote reasonable administration, detecting any administrative misconducts and asking to correct them. In addition, to exercise the right of monitoring the autonomous legislative right and autonomous financial control right, the council may propose by one third of the present members in order to inspect any administrative execution, ask to correct it or take countermeasures.

• Reviewing and processing a civil application(representation for the residents)

If a civil application for suggestion or improvement is submitted in writing by the introduction of one or more members of the council, the council's competent committee reviews and transfers it to the related local goverment to process it.

Application shall be limited to the following cases.

- Remedies of damages
- Disciplinary application against misconducting civil servant or unreasonable administration
- Enacting, revising or abolishing an order, law or rule
- Operating public institution or system
- Other rights belonging to the public office's authorities

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